To put this box together, the front, bottom, back, and top are all one long piece. Then I just had to sew the two sides on (wrong side out, so the seams are on the inside). To give the box some structure, there is a layer of medium weight stabilizer in between the two pieces of fabric. All of the edges on the box, except on the lid, have raw seams. So I just did a zig zag stitch close to the edge to give them a more finished look. The final step was sewing a button on the front and a piece of ribbon on the under side of the lid for a closure.
While I like sewing, I'm not a fan of the cutting and the pinning. My favorite part is really picking out the fabric. I used three different patterns on this box. One for the outside, one for the inside, and another for the lid. Then of course I made sure that even the button and ribbon for the closure matched. Now that I've made one box, I'm planning on making a couple more. One for my sewing supplies and maybe a couple to sell or for my friends. The best part is that each one will be unique and I get to pick out more pretty fabric!